There is a wealth of information contained on this site that will continue to grow as we collect and report it here.  Historical information submitted by registered miniature and smaller standard Jersey owners/breeders will allow us to begin building today and into the future, while the past histories of these cattle are recorded. It is our hope that, as miniature and smaller standard Jersey enthusiasts, we will all work together to make this organization one of great value to each other as well as newcomers to these wonderful little bovines!

Your annual paid membership with the Miniature Jersey Herd Book & Registry comes with the following benefits:

  • Full access to the private sections of this site, even without Miniature Jersey ownership! Paid membership allows utilization the entire site of information for other purposes such as locating a specific semen seller or to check lineages on cattle prior to purchasing your own cow, bull, calf or bull of all cattle included
  • Unlimited access to important information including pedigrees 24/7/365 at your convenience!
  • An updated, online forum to sell your cattle and dairy related items or locate cattle to purchase.
  • A special section for selling bull semen as well as a listing of artificial insemination technicians by state and areas served.
  • A page to identify semen collection facilites (Bull Studs) all over the country.
  • Access to other members/owners/breeders contact information to aid in the searching of a specific lineage of cattle.
  • Historical pictures and information will be added as they are located, and available for reference purposes only, since the DNA can no longer be performed on the deceased animals. 
  • The Herd Book has also developed into a full service cattle Registry!
  • We are also working to complete the first published, bound book--Volume 1 of The Original Miniature Jersey Herd Book--release to be announced soon!
  • We have also just passed our 5th anniversary and launched a new more user friendly, upgraded, website for all to enjoy! 

Payment Information

$40.00 for each Year

Notice: By submitting this form, I promise to be truthful about all information contained herein. I will not hold the owner of this site liable for any misrepresentation of any animal for sale, or otherwise, or fo falsified information, intentional or not, from other parties placed here. All information will be verified as best as possible with all means available to do so. Any false information intentionally submitted will result in that animal/owner being deleted from the MJHB&R permanently upon discovery. It is my responsibility to research any information on my own before any purchase or representation is made by me. Any legal costs arising from any litigation because of any information contained here is solely the responsibility of the submitting member.